About Us Our Ministries
Below is a list of the ministries that we offer here at Central Baptist Church. We would love if you were able to join us for as many of these wonderful opportunities as you possibly can. If you would like any more information, feel free to give us a call or contact us on our website.
Our Ministries Sunday School
Every Sunday morning at 9:45 AM, you are welcome to join us for Sunday School! This is a great time to share praises and testimonies, pray for each other, and be taught from the Word of God.
Every Sunday @ 9:45 AM
Our Ministries Nursery
During each service and many of our activities, the wonderful women of our church will provide a nursery for your little ones. Let us know if you are interested in putting your little one in our Nursery.
Every Service
Our Ministries Bus Ministry
Our Bus Ministry meets on Sunday mornings to run the buses for our church. We have multiple routes that cover the areas surrounding our church. We meet at 10:00 AM every Saturday for visitation as well. If you are interested in joining this wonderful ministry, let us know!
Sunday Morning
Our Ministries Visitation
We hold organized visitation on Saturdays at 10:00 AM. Our goal is to reach our area for Jesus Christ! Come help us reach this goal every Saturday Morning.
Saturdays @ 10:00 AM
Our Ministries Hispanic Ministry
Our Hispanic Ministry meets at 9:45 AM and 11:00 AM each Sunday for Sunday School and Sunday Morning Service. We minister to Spanish-speaking adults and children. Throughout the year, we also host special events specifically focused on our Hispanic Ministry. Let us know if you are interested in joining our Hispanic Ministry.
Sunday Mornings
Our Ministries Bible Institute
Bible Institute is a great place to have an in-depth study of God’s Word. These sessions are held online on the second Saturday of each month (September through April) from 3:00 – 6:00 PM. The classes are led by our Pastor. If you would like to join us for these great sessions, visit our YouTube with your Bible and a notebook! You can call us for more information.
Second Saturdays @ 3:00 PM
Our Ministries Fellowship House
Second & Fourth Thursdays @ 10:30 AM
How To Find Us
- Address:
- 13910 Minnieville Road
Woodbridge, VA 22193 - Phone No:
- (703) 583-1717